GETO was founded in Basel in 1978. The aim of its foundation was to safeguard the interests of European Trans-Siberian operators and to support the increase of traffic on the Eurasian railway corridor.
In the past, this primarily referred to the TransSib, which is why the name GETO originally stood for ‘Community of European Trans-Siberian Operators and Forwarders’.
Since 2013, however, this has changed significantly. At that time, the Chinese government launched the Belt and Road Initiative with the intention of reviving the Silk Road. To reflect these developments, GETO members decided in 2017 to change the name to ‘Group of European TransEurasia Operators and Forwarders’.
GETO is the Western European pillar of the international network for the promotion of Trans-Siberian transport. It is one of the initiators and founders of the International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation (CCTT) in Moscow. It supports the activities of this council in a constructive and committed manner. The joint efforts of CCTT and GETO to promote international transport on the Eurasian land bridge with a variety of initiatives have significantly contributed to the development of these transports.
All GETO companies have proven expertise in handling international rail freight transports between Europe and Asia and many years of experience in this field. They are committed to developing attractive new products and a high level of service quality.
With their services, they also meet their customers' need for complete logistics bundles such as door-to-door solutions including sea and land connecting transport services right to the customer's doorstep.
The active use of modern information technologies is an important proof of quality for all GETO companies regarding their customer information and service. The GETO companies have pioneered the introduction of an electronic consignment note and container tracking with direct customer connection via the internet.

What does GETO offer?

Know-How and competence of leading railway service providers in Trans-Eurasian rail traffic
Access to the extensive network of the International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation CCTT -
Participation in events and workshops within the framework of CCTT
Improved access to political decision-making bodies regarding infra- and suprastructure
Regular exchange of information on current trends / trade fairs / conferences
New partnerships / contacts / ideas
Access to the global working group China-Europe-China
Mr Uwe Leuschner
Tel: +49 (172) - 7201883
Email: -
Access to the working group ‘Multimodality’
Mr Helmut Seilert
Tel: +49 (172) – 2650215
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